Tag Archives: AMSOIL

What Kind of UTV Is Right For You? Maybe It’s A Sidekick Andy Arendt|Nov 06, 2017 2:50 PM UTVs are extremely popular, and if you’re considering one, there are some fairly straight-forward points to consider, including… For what will you be using the UTV? (e.g. speed vs. work, utility vs. trails) In what kind of […]

Ask AMSOIL: What Happens if I Use the Wrong Weight (Viscosity) of Oil? Ask AMSOIL: What Happens if I Use the Wrong Weight (Viscosity) of Oil? Using a motor oil whose viscosity is too low or too high for your engine can invite a few problems, such as reduced fuel economy, increased chemical breakdown and […]

AMSOIL OE: Value, Performance & Protection for the Price of One The Original Equipment line brings the highest performance & protection into the Primary “Full” Synthetic Price Range Upgraded!! The challenge was to offer the same 100% synthetic base oil and the industry leading top tier performance standards of our pure-enthusiast oils into the bargain […]

What Happens if I Use the Wrong Weight (Viscosity) of Oil? John Baker|Jan 31, 2018 11:19 AM It depends on how your engine is built and how it reacts to the specific viscosity of oil you use. That’s pretty nebulous, so here are some examples. Josh buys a new car that requires 0W-20 motor oil. […]

More Than Just a (Motocross) Number Lindsay Premo, Jan 29, 2018 10:30 AM Let’s talk numbers, race fans…Supercross and Motocross numbers, that is. Every fall, the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) releases the roster for the upcoming Monster Energy Supercross and AMA Pro Motocross seasons. The 2018 Monster Energy Supercross season is in full swing and the battle has begun […]

6 Innovations that Make Boating More Fun Ed Newman|Apr 26, 2017 4:07 PM State names are interesting. I was born in the Buckeye State, raised in the Garden State and currently live in the Land of 10,000 Lakes. It’s my understanding that Minnesota actually has 15,000 lakes, but the nickname simply serves as shorthand for, […]

XL Synthetic Motor Oil: Stronger for Longer The new XL Synthetic Motor Oil formulation delivers more cleaning power, complete protection against oil breakdown and new extended-drain recommendations. XL Synthetic Motor Oil (XLZ, XLM, XLF, XLT, XLO) XL Synthetic Motor Oil features a boosted formulation that delivers more cleaning power and promotes longer engine life. It’s […]

How To Dispose of Used Motor Oil Josh Kimmes|Mar 15, 2017 11:11 AM   Changing your own oil may not always be enjoyable, but it is fulfilling and worthwhile. DIY projects such as changing your own oil promote self-reliance and extra peace of mind that the job was well done. One of the often-overlooked aspects […]

Beginner’s Guide to Choosing the Right Snowmobile Lindsay Premo|Dec 12, 2017 8:42 AM Having grown up in the country, snowmobiles were a common form of transportation. When I was little my dad would tow the toboggan behind our late ’80s (don’t even try to guess my age from that!) machine to the local bar for […]

How to Increase Torque in a Diesel Engine   Mark Nyholm|Feb 20, 2017 10:01 AM Torque – the end game for every diesel enthusiast I bet if I asked six different people how much torque is enough, maybe, just maybe, two of them would agree that stock is enough. I would be in the group of four […]

Letters To The Editor MULTI-PURPOSE OIL I’m writing in response to the Letter to the Editor regarding 3-IN-ONE* oil (March AMSOIL Magazine). I have been an AMSOIL Dealer since 1981, and I still have and use 3-IN-ONE oil because there really isn’t an AMSOIL substitute for more precise oiling. You just can’t or don’t want […]

Tips To Boost Sales Of Small Engine Oil AMSOIL Dealer tip: Given their size and basic design compared to automotive engines, your customers may perceive small-engine lubrication requirements as simple. They may see no reason to use anything but inexpensive automotive oil in their mowers or other equipment. The opposite is true. Compared to most […]

6 Overlooked Maintenance Tips for Heavy Equipment Owners  Josh Kimmes|Jul 10, 2017 8:15 AM   My dad owned a construction company when I was a kid, which meant summer break wasn’t really a break. One summer I was tasked with cleaning up an old asphalt paver. It took a couple days to get it as […]

Can Your Motor Oil Handle the Seven Responsibilities of a Lubricant? Ed Newman|May 24, 2017 8:30 AM Most motorists understand the primary functions of motor oil: reduce friction and wear. However, motor oil and other lubricants must do more to protect your vehicles and equipment. With engines and equipment becoming more powerful and sophisticated, it […]

Ease Winter with AMSOIL Silicone Spray AMSOIL Silicone Spray is perfect for lubricating and protecting rubber, nylon, plastics, upholstery, vinyl, wood, cardboard, fiberglass and other nonmetal surfaces (and metal surfaces that come in contact with nonmetal surfaces). Keep a can on-hand this winter to… Spray onto shovels, snowblower chutes and augers, plows and skid-steer buckets to […]