Tag Archives: synthetic

Understanding Oil Viscosity Viscosity is the measure of a fluid’s resistance to flow. _by David Hilgendorf|January 17, 2023 The physical properties of lubricants are measured by characteristics like viscosity, shear stability, high- and low-temperature performance, water resistance and volatility. Lubrication science seeks to optimize a lubricant’s performance by managing these properties using different base oils […]

AMSOIL synthetic motor oil helps you breathe easier Oxygen is great in your lungs, but it’s not so great in your motor oil. Matt Erickson | VP, PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Oxygen comprises about 20% of our atmosphere. It’s the third most common element in the universe. Without it we’d all be doomed. Yet, oxygen can cause […]

A CLOSER LOOK AT DIFFERENTIAL COVERS A new differential cover can help provide increased performance. Although they’re not always top-of-mind for enthusiasts, differential covers play an important role in the performance of pickup truck differentials. In addition to providing access for changing gear lube, differential covers help dissipate heat that can damage differentials, and they […]

I Have No Idea How Many Quarts My Car Needs. Help! John Baker|October 8 9:10 AM The answer seems simple: probably about five quarts. But, if you drive a small car with a four-cylinder engine, it’s likely closer to four quarts. However, the V-8 engine in your truck could require about seven quarts. My in-laws’ […]

Synthetic lubricants excel in summer heat. Heat creates deposits. And deposits create problems.   Matt Erickson | DIRECTOR, TECHNICAL PRODUCT MANAGEMENT While we rarely have triple-digit temperatures here in the Northland, drivers in the southern U.S. can easily see 100ºF (38ºC) and hotter throughout summer. Driving in these conditions stresses lubricants, especially when towing or hauling. […]

Don’t Regret Not Preparing Equipment for Tough Winter Temperatures   The fall months are the time to place boats, motorcycles and lawncare equipment into storage and prepare snowmobiles, snowblowers and other vehicles for the coming winter. AMSOIL products are formulated to provide maximum protection for engines and fuel systems during storage, while AMSOIL synthetic motor […]

Watch Scott Judnick Go Big – And Why We’re Into Snow Lindsay Premo|Feb 21, 2019 2:30 PM At AMSOIL, we like to do things big. And when it comes to the world of Snocross, Scott Judnick of Judnick Motorsports likes to do things just as big. Check out his story below. It’s About the People Twenty-two years ago, […]

SEVERE GEAR®: THE RIGHT TOOL FOR THE JOB Your vehicle’s differential is likely not top of mind while hauling snowmobiles or ATVs for a fun weekend on the trails. Unfortunately, towing is in the severe service category and places extreme stress on your drivetrain. Today’s vehicles produce substantially more horsepower, torque and towing capacity than […]

How Do I Switch from Conventional to Synthetic Oil? John Baker|Mar 14, 2018 9:16 AM To borrow a famous slogan, just do it. There is still some confusion about changing to a different type of oil in vehicles, particularly older models that have accumulated many miles. A small group of ill-informed individuals in garages and […]

Ford Focus ST – Best Performance per Dollar I was amazed by the number of reviews, tests, discussions, etc I can find on Youtube which are almost all 100% positive over this one car. I felt it would be a great dis-service to not mention it in a blog although this year 2019 is the […]

How Much “Synthetic” Is In My Oil? Andy Arendt|Aug 16, 2017 11:07 AM Unlike food and drug companies, which must disclose the ingredients in their products, lubricant manufactures aren’t held to the same mandate, which can cause confusion if you’re shopping for synthetic motor oil. (Well, they are in Europe in Australia but not in […]

AMSOIL Synthetic Diesel Oil Greatly Outperforms Minimum Standards Shell* recently announced that a sample of “Mobil Delvac 1300* Super 15W-40 did not meet the passing limits for either API CK-4 performance standards, nor the more stringent requirements for Volvo*, MACK* and Cummins*.” The 360-hour Volvo T-13 test measures both oxidation and Kinematic Viscosity, indicating an […]

OE 0W-16: Light and Strong A 0W-16 viscosity motor oil may seem exotic to North American drivers, but as fuel efficiency requirements increase, it may become a common recommendation of manufacturers worldwide. Japanese engineers have long experimented with ultra-thin motor oils, and 0W-16 has been in regular use in Japan since the 90s. The Benefits […]

Why Your Marine Lower Unit Needs Regular Service Though your marine motor gets all the attention, your boat isn’t going anywhere without the lower unit. Its combination of gears, bearings and other components turn horsepower into movement. Lower units are resilient and can last for years – provided you service them annually. Here, we reveal […]

Are all Synthetic Oil Groups the Same? Group III vs IV vs V John Baker|Feb 06, 2018 11:27 AM The simple answer No. In fact, there are wide performance differences between base oil categories. Generally speaking, Group IV base oils offer the best performance, Group III second best, and so on in reverse order. But […]

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