Tag Archives: Maintenance

Do Motor Oil Additives Work? John Baker|Mar 09, 2018 11:01 AM What do motor oil additives do? The shelves at your local auto parts store are full of aftermarket motor oil additives and oil treatments that promise a cornucopia of benefits, such as… Increased fuel economy Reduced friction Maximum horsepower Improved engine cleanliness To provide […]

Why is there Sludge/Slime in my Radiator? John Baker|Aug 24, 2018 9:28 AM Cooling-system issues account for nearly 40 percent of engine failures. Clearly, it pays to take care of your vehicle’s cooling system. Sludge/slime are one of the common symptoms of larger problems. Left unchecked, it’ll plug the radiator, heater core or fluid passages, […]

Why Your Marine Lower Unit Needs Regular Service Though your marine motor gets all the attention, your boat isn’t going anywhere without the lower unit. Its combination of gears, bearings and other components turn horsepower into movement. Lower units are resilient and can last for years – provided you service them annually. Here, we reveal […]

Busting the 3,000 Mile Oil Change Myth Andy Arendt|Feb 13, 2018 10:40 AM Changing your oil every 3,000 miles is a practice passed down for generations. The origin likely stems from the noble effort to provide consumers with a simple vehicle-maintenance rule that left plenty of room for error. Marketed by fast lubes Fast lube […]

Never Overlook This When Maintaining Your Snowblower John Baker| Originally posted Dec. 23, 2016 Thanksgiving day. While my family was gathered in my dining room, imbibing spirits and making merry, I was in the shed disassembling the carburetor on my snowblower, reeking of petroleum as rivers of gasoline flowed under my jacket cuffs and saturated […]

What’s the Minimum I Should Drive My Car? And Other Storage Tips. Jamie Jarvi|Feb 02, 2018 8:55 AM There are daily driver vehicles that clock thousands of miles each year. There are seasonal vehicles that only clock hundreds. And then there are some whose odometers move only when being loaded or unloaded from a trailer. […]

Ask AMSOIL: What Happens if I Use the Wrong Weight (Viscosity) of Oil? Ask AMSOIL: What Happens if I Use the Wrong Weight (Viscosity) of Oil? Using a motor oil whose viscosity is too low or too high for your engine can invite a few problems, such as reduced fuel economy, increased chemical breakdown and […]

What Happens if I Use the Wrong Weight (Viscosity) of Oil? John Baker|Jan 31, 2018 11:19 AM It depends on how your engine is built and how it reacts to the specific viscosity of oil you use. That’s pretty nebulous, so here are some examples. Josh buys a new car that requires 0W-20 motor oil. […]

How To Dispose of Used Motor Oil Josh Kimmes|Mar 15, 2017 11:11 AM   Changing your own oil may not always be enjoyable, but it is fulfilling and worthwhile. DIY projects such as changing your own oil promote self-reliance and extra peace of mind that the job was well done. One of the often-overlooked aspects […]

Beginner’s Guide to Choosing the Right Snowmobile Lindsay Premo|Dec 12, 2017 8:42 AM Having grown up in the country, snowmobiles were a common form of transportation. When I was little my dad would tow the toboggan behind our late ’80s (don’t even try to guess my age from that!) machine to the local bar for […]

6 Overlooked Maintenance Tips for Heavy Equipment Owners  Josh Kimmes|Jul 10, 2017 8:15 AM   My dad owned a construction company when I was a kid, which meant summer break wasn’t really a break. One summer I was tasked with cleaning up an old asphalt paver. It took a couple days to get it as […]

AMSOIL Quickshot® Offers a Simple Solution to Ethanol Problems Fuel maintenance is a big issue, whether you own a motorcycle, dirt bike, snowmobile, lawn mower or other piece of equipment. Currently, most gasoline sold in the U.S. contains up to 10 percent ethanol (E10), while gasoline containing up to 15 percent (E15) is becoming available […]

Which of These 5 Approaches to Vehicle Maintenance Do You Use? Mark Nyholm|Oct 02, 2017 9:09 AM Maintenance is one of those things you either do or don’t do. There isn’t a good way to fall “in between” on the maintenance spectrum, nor do your vehicles, equipment or toys like to be in a state […]

8 Awesome Uses for AMSOIL MP (especially number 5) Steve Hull Everyone is aware of the multiple dimensions in which human beings live. There’s the physical dimension, the emotional dimension, the spiritual dimension, the psychological dimension and so on. And there are layers of dimensionality among and throughout. We get that, intuitively, if not academically. […]

Transmission maintenance requires a shift in thinking Like motor oil, transmission fluid must now do more. Matt Erickson | TECHNICAL MANAGER – PCLT PRODUCTS AND MECHANICAL R&D What’s more important to your vehicle, the engine or transmission? It’s a trick question; they’re equally important. You’re not going anywhere without either one. But which do people […]