Tag Archives: Maintenance

How to Store your Snowblower properly. Prevent damage during summer season. John Baker|Apr 06, 2020 2:12 PM Storing a snowblower properly is vital to ensuring it fires up when the snow eventually returns. When the first storm of the season dumps eight inches of snow on your driveway, you don’t want to be messing around […]

How Engine Sludge Develops. You Can Easily Prevent It. Ed Newman|Mar 08, 2017 2:10 PM Sludge. It’s a disgusting phenomenon. Even the word sounds gross, like the thing it’s describing. The word for this is onomatopoeia, a strange word that many of us learned in high school English class. Splash. Grunt. Whoosh. Swish. Hiss. Frumpy. […]

8 Ways to Prep Your Snowmobile Ok, I’m late posting this one but February is our busiest month for snowmobile oil as our customers venture out west betwixt now and the end of March. Some great snow to play in at the moment! Jamie Gibson|Oct 08, 2019 8:18 AM Avid riders are already getting their […]

How to Perform Oil Analysis We keep these kits right here in the Omaha store. Ask for the one with postage or with out for a slight savings. When doing several vehicles use the one w/o postage to send all together. John Baker|Sep 12, 2019 11:57 AM Used oil analysis is one of the most […]

SIGNATURE SERIES PROTECTS ENGINES FROM LOW-SPEED PRE-IGNITION Actually all three lines of AMSOIL’s synthetic motor oil products protect engines from LSPI. OE, XL and Signature offer increasing margins of protection going beyond normal operating conditions or the degree of protection needed by modern engines. The Oil Has To Do More LSPI can destroy pistons and […]

8 Hot AMSOIL Products for Your Hot Rod Jamie Gibson|Apr 20, 2018 10:52 AM If you’re anything like us, the highly anticipated sights and sounds of hot rods, muscle cars and restomods returning to the open road makes you a bit giddy. It’s a sure sign of road trips, car shows and all things summer. […]

Ultra-low-sulfur diesel lacks Needed Lubricity Mark Nyholm | TECHNICAL MANAGER, HEAVY DUTY AND MECHANICAL R&D Fortunately, we have a simple solution. It feels like forever ago, but it’s only been 13 years since the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) mandated reduced sulfur content in diesel fuel, in 2006. Boy, were people angry. They knew sulfur […]

The Pros and Cons of Semi-Synthetic Oils and Synthetic Blends Andy Arendt|Sep 22, 2017 9:20 AM Scott D. Galbreath asks via our Facebook page about the pros and cons of synthetic blend motor oils. Thanks for the question, Scott. Making sense of motor oil can be confusing and frustrating. Choosing among full synthetics, synthetic blends, semi-conventional, conventional, […]

Turbochargers and Direct Injection Create Major Issues for Lubricants Is your brand keeping pace with the problems – not likely! Alex Thompson | Sep 06, 2017 11:04 AM Turbocharged, gasoline-direct-injection (TGDI) engines have been the topic of many AMSOIL blog posts and other publications the last few months, and for good reason. In recent years these technologies […]

Why do European Cars Require Special Oil? John Baker|Jul 10, 2018 3:10 PM For all the grin-inducing benefits of owning a European car – finely tuned performance, sophisticated styling, prestige – they can be a pain. According to this list, four of the top five most expensive vehicles to maintain hail from across the pond. Not […]

EZ Advice to Start that Stubborn Lawnmower John Baker|Jul 03, 2019 1:48 PM A lawnmower that won’t start, especially when taken from storage, is almost always due to one problem: bad gas. Storing a lawnmower in the fall without adding gasoline stabilizer to the fuel tank can cause the fuel to break down and plug the fuel passages. […]

ATV/UTV Maintenance: 7 Tips to Maximize Your Machine’s Life John Baker|Jun 06, 2019 1:47 PM 4-Wheeler’s aren’t cheap. And neither should be your approach to maintenance if you want your machine to deliver peak performance and last for years. Fortunately, ATV and UTV maintenance boils down to a handful of relatively simple practices any do-it-yourselfer […]

Watch Scott Judnick Go Big – And Why We’re Into Snow Lindsay Premo|Feb 21, 2019 2:30 PM At AMSOIL, we like to do things big. And when it comes to the world of Snocross, Scott Judnick of Judnick Motorsports likes to do things just as big. Check out his story below. It’s About the People Twenty-two years ago, […]

Weed Eater Won’t Start? Try This John Baker|Jun 19, 2019 9:28 AM No matter what you call it – weed eater, weed whacker, string trimmer – chances are at some point it won’t start. Few things are more annoying than destroying your shoulder trying to start the weed eater when there’s work to do. Fortunately, […]

Reviving a Lawn Mower (and other equipment) Is what We Do! John Baker|Feb 15, 2018 9:21 AM Judging someone’s character can be boiled down to this key question: do they love going to the dump? An affirmative answer indicates a visionary – one who sees a fashionably distressed dining set where others see a worn […]