Tag Archives: horsepower

Prevent The Wear Which Results In Power Loss. John Baker| Jan 14, 2020 4:45 PM Most of us know excessive engine wear eventually leads to costly breakdowns and engine failure. But even if your engine doesn’t fail, wear robs your vehicle of power, performance and that “like-new” feeling you crave when driving. Modern engine parts […]

Only Motorcycle Oil Should be Used in your Bike?  Impressive performance happens when you are using the right oil in the right application. Len Groom | TECHNICAL PRODUCT MANAGER, POWERSPORTS The results of a study from lubricant additive manufacturer Infineum* caught my eye recently. A survey of 1,000 bikers revealed that fewer than 60 percent are […]

Turbochargers and Direct Injection Create Major Issues for Lubricants Is your brand keeping pace with the problems – not likely! Alex Thompson | Sep 06, 2017 11:04 AM Turbocharged, gasoline-direct-injection (TGDI) engines have been the topic of many AMSOIL blog posts and other publications the last few months, and for good reason. In recent years these technologies […]

What is Cetane?   Cetane numbers are used to indicate the combustion speed of diesel fuel. Diesel fuels with higher cetane ratings have shorter ignition delays, providing more complete combustion and allowing engines to operate more effectively. Although diesel engines operate best on fuel with a cetane value of 50 or higher, most diesel fuel […]

Injector’s Require It – Diesel Fuel Additive Only overlooked by those who don’t understand the critical fuel issues. Stock up and enjoy your diesel to the N’th degree!! New Diesel Injector Clean + Cetane Boost Available Now, Diesel Injector Clean + Cetane Boost (ADS) combines the superior detergency and improved lubricity of AMSOIL Diesel Injector […]

Should You Use Diesel Competition Oil? Mark Nyholm|Apr 10, 2018 11:44 AM April is here, and for those who love to spend time at the drag strip challenging their reaction time, on a dirt strip hooked to a sled, or tied down on a roller dyno grunting for power, the diesel competition season is upon […]

How Engine Wear & Deposits Kill Horsepower John Baker | Oct 25 Most people equate engine wear and deposits with a sudden, catastrophic engine failure that leaves you stranded alongside the road. In reality, wear and deposits are more likely to erode engine power and efficiency over time. Here’s how it works and what you […]

What’s the Difference Between Horsepower and Torque? John Baker|Feb 13, 2017 9:09 AM Rather than offer a technical explanation few people will understand, let’s talk about what torque and horsepower feel like. You’re idling at a stoplight. Or maybe an IHRA starting line. Someone rolls up to you and revs their engine. Gives you the […]

AMSOIL Heads to SEMA New Product Showcase with 13 New Products Jamie Jarvi|Oct 27, 2017 9:46 AM The mighty SEMA show is just around the corner, and our AMSOIL trade show team is busy preparing for another successful presentation to the key players in the automotive industry. SEMA is where companies learn of the latest […]

The Pinnacle of Performance The new Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil formulation builds upon its rock-solid foundation to offer enthusiasts a new level of engine protection. Major upgrades to all the lined on the way now! Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil (ASM, ALM, AZO, ASL, ATM, AZF, AMR) Improving Signature Series was a challenge, but […]

What Does Horsepower Mean? John Baker|Nov 07, 2016 2:32 PM   You’ve likely heard of eighteenth-century Scottish engineer James Watt. He’s credited with coining the term “horsepower.” In a stroke of marketing genius, he used the term to help sell London industrialists on the ability of his new steam engines to more efficiently produce one […]