
cold temps call for Amsoil

Don’t Regret Not Preparing Equipment for Tough Winter Temperatures   The fall months are the time to place boats, motorcycles and lawncare equipment into storage and prepare snowmobiles, snowblowers and other vehicles for the coming winter. AMSOIL products are formulated to provide maximum protection for engines and fuel systems during storage, while AMSOIL synthetic motor […]

Is Spring and Fall the Best Time to Change Oil? For many drivers, budding trees in spring and changing leaves in fall signal the time for an oil change. If you ask them why, they’ll likely just shrug and says it’s what they’ve always done. The reasons are more nuanced than you think. One involves […]

amsoil aerosols

Winter Cleanup Package AMSOIL aerosols deliver cleaning power and performance you can see immediately. Mudslinger® Provides a protective layer of armor against the accumulation of mud, dirt and snow on ATVs, UTVs and dirt bikes, easing clean-up. (Also – cars and truck tires and running boards per new customers) Engine Degreaser Effectively cleans engine surfaces […]

How to Clean a Gun for Hunting Season Mark Nyholm|Sep 06, 2019 10:49 AM Fall is fast approaching, which means if you’re an avid hunter, you’ve already been out kicking the bush testing your skills. Because I work during the week, I suppose I can be considered a weekend warrior – not too uncommon among […]

Preventing Causes of Engine Oil SLUDGE Brands matter, quality matters and frequent oil changes will not alter this. It’s all based on the additive quality and it does effect the price. Engine sludge occurs when oxidized oil and contaminants build up on engine surfaces. It can restrict the flow of oil to the point of […]

Heavy-Duty Corrosion Protection Just a Reminder to a recently updated Formulation AMSOIL Heavy-Duty Metal Protector (AMH) has been reformulated to provide improved performance as a corrosion inhibitor. MPHD is an easy-to-use, spray on product that effectively protects metal surfaces that are exposed to the damaging effects of salt, moisture or chemical corrosion. It is ideal […]

Hydraulic maintenance arm and hoses

Hydraulic Power: Common Problems and Solutions Andy Arendt|Oct 26, 2016 2:04 PM In the simplest terms a hydraulic power system consists of a sump, motor, pump, valves, actuators and hydraulic fluid. This combination can be configured into millions of applications to transfer power and reduce mechanical complexity. If properly maintained, hydraulic power systems offer exceptional […]

Problems when you change your oil

Routine Maintenance: Follow your manual Ed Newman|Jul 25, 2016 10:55 AM “Sometimes when I consider what tremendous consequences come from little things, I am tempted to think there are no little things.” ~ Barton Sutter   In September 2007 an article by oil industry journalist George Gill of Lubes ‘N’ Greases caught my eye. The […]

AMSOIL’s My Garage for your Records John Baker|May 12, 2016 1:00 PM   The garage. Protector of vehicles, incubator of great ideas. Many innovative companies owe their beginnings to the humble garage. Apple, Harley-Davidson and Google, to name a few. It makes sense. The house is where we make sensible decisions, do our taxes and […]

Sludge prevented on pickup screen

Engine Sludge Is Easily Avoidable John Baker & Associates |Jul 24, 2019 4:20 PM Engine sludge. It’s a back gelatinous substance that wreaks havoc in engines. And long before the engine’s demise, engine sludge can foul engine sensors and interfere with performance. Some mechanics call it the “black death.” How does motor oil, which is […]

power foam intake system cleaner

Reviving a Lawn Mower (and other equipment) Is what We Do! John Baker|Feb 15, 2018 9:21 AM Judging someone’s character can be boiled down to this key question: do they love going to the dump? An affirmative answer indicates a visionary – one who sees a fashionably distressed dining set where others see a worn […]

head is noticeably cleaner.

Is an Engine Flush Good or Bad? John Baker|Nov 26, 2018 11:00 AM To flush or not to flush. It’s a question whose answer is obvious in the bathroom, but vigorously debated in the garage. Let’s get right to the point. Is an engine flush good or bad? Side note from Oilordering Team: There are two […]

limited slip

How a Differential Works (and the Type of Gear Lube to Use) John Baker|Mar 01, 2019 10:29 AM Think of all the devices we take for granted that improve our lives. The refrigerator. The microprocessor. The air conditioner. The spork. Add the automotive differential to that list. Without that metal “pumpkin” beneath your vehicle filled […]

Why Motor Oil Deteriorates Like just about everything else, motor oil has a lifespan. Even the best oils eventually require you to change them. Historically, many motorists like the convenience of changing oil with the seasons, visiting the quick lube or pulling the ramps out of their garage each spring and fall. Motor oil can […]