AMSOIL Blog and Newsstand

Will Electric Cars Replace Gas Cars? by Larry Bickelburg |January 4, 2022 Dangerous electric cars are merging onto our roads, but petrol-power is here to stay. President Biden has announced that he wants half of all new vehicles sold by 2030 to run on electric power, and he framed battery technology as a key to […]

Hydrostatic transmissions require advanced fluids AMSOIL’s Hydrostatic Fluid has become a high demanded product with nearly no advertising. Accelerated word of mouth impressions works quickly in the landscaping industry. Especially when there are no other specialized products in such a void. Professionals have zero tolerance for zero-turn-mower inefficiency. Mike Nelson | SENIOR PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER […]

Viscosity breakdown Lubricant viscosity affects wear protection, fuel efficiency and other critical areas of oil performance. Matt Erickson | VP, PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Viscosity is one of the most important properties of a lubricant. Using the right viscosity oil is vital to providing your engine the best wear protection. The real secrete to our formulations is […]

Coolant Booster Water Wetter

WARM UP YOUR VEHICLE FASTER IN COLD WEATHER AMSOIL DOMINATOR® Coolant Boost (RDCB) is designed to reduce corrosion and significantly enhance heat transfer in cooling systems. One of the overlooked benefits of better heat transfer is much quicker engine warm-up in winter conditions, which is noticed when the vehicle’s defroster works much sooner. To understand […]

Cold-Temperature Storage Recommendations Hey man, chemistry isn’t perfect and things do change with climatic conditions. So this is just a guide to keep these products in usable condition. Because cold-temperature storage can be detrimental to the performance of some AMSOIL products, AMSOIL offers the following storage recommendations: Lubricants: Store at temperatures at least 10°F above […]

We are Stocked Full of Inventory of Snowmobile oil (The Best in the Industry) Whether you need 2-stroke oil for your sled in extreme cold conditions, a moderately priced injector oil for average conditions or a 4-stroke oil change for your heavy trail hauler we have it! Supply chain issues are thwarted by AMSOIL. The […]

Winter Driving Tips

December 6, 2021 Maintenance

Winter Driving Tips John Baker|Oct 08, 2020 7:20 AM With the worst of winter right around the corner, now is a good time to get your vehicle prepared for potentially hazardous roads. Here are a few winter driving tips, along with ideas to prepare your vehicle for winter. Prepare you car for winter Battery check – […]

A CLOSER LOOK AT DIFFERENTIAL COVERS A new differential cover can help provide increased performance. Although they’re not always top-of-mind for enthusiasts, differential covers play an important role in the performance of pickup truck differentials. In addition to providing access for changing gear lube, differential covers help dissipate heat that can damage differentials, and they […]

NEW MOTOR OIL SPECIFICATIONS NOW IN EFFECT The automotive industry’s latest specifications, ILSAC GF-6 and API SP are now effective. AMSOIL is ahead of the game. Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) are under pressure to improve fuel economy and reduce emissions. As a result, most new engines today use some combination of turbochargers, direct-fuel injection and variable valve timing to deliver better fuel economy and increase […]

How to Adjust Snowmobile Belt Deflection John Baker|Feb 02, 2021 8:11 AM Setting the proper snowmobile belt deflection is one of the easiest things you can do to ensure your sled performs at its peak level. In this video, we show you how it’s done.   Time needed: 20 minutes. How to adjust snowmobile belt […]

Dealer Robert Lolato of Orleans, Ontario, Canada

DEALER: ‘EVERYTHING RUNS BETTER, LASTS LONGER’ Dealer Robert Lolato of Orleans, Ontario, Canada has been a believer in AMSOIL products for more than 20 years. He started using AMSOIL products in 1985. “I can tell you firsthand that my experience with AMSOIL products has been phenomenal,” he said. “Everything runs better and lasts longer. That’s […]

Watch How These Snowmobile Oils Handle -40º John Baker|Jan 27, 2017 9:33 AM   Like the engine in your car or truck, the engines that power your two-stroke snowmobile are growing more sophisticated with each passing year. The same demands driving changes in the automotive market are influencing two-stoke engines as well – the government […]

clean your battery terminals with AMSOIL MP

How to Clean Car Battery Corrosion John Baker|Apr 20, 2021 9:35 AM We’ve all been there before. You turn the key on your car and…nothing. Not even the telltale clicking of the starter solenoid. Often, corrosion on the battery terminals is preventing a good connection. Here are some simple ways to clean and prevent car […]

Menzies Back-to-Back Vegas-to-Reno Champ Lindsay Tousignant|Aug 20, 2020 8:22 AM Viva Las Vegas, race fans! Who am I kidding, I haven’t been on a plane since February, let alone made the trek to where so many infamous races are held (think Mint 400, Monster Energy Cup and, of course, the Best in the Desert’s Vegas-to-Reno.) […]

vehicle oil capacity look-up

I Have No Idea How Many Quarts My Car Needs. Help! John Baker|October 8 9:10 AM The answer seems simple: probably about five quarts. But, if you drive a small car with a four-cylinder engine, it’s likely closer to four quarts. However, the V-8 engine in your truck could require about seven quarts. My in-laws’ […]