Tag Archives: motor oil

Understanding Oil Viscosity Viscosity is the measure of a fluid’s resistance to flow. _by David Hilgendorf|January 17, 2023 The physical properties of lubricants are measured by characteristics like viscosity, shear stability, high- and low-temperature performance, water resistance and volatility. Lubrication science seeks to optimize a lubricant’s performance by managing these properties using different base oils […]

I Have No Idea How Many Quarts My Car Needs. Help! John Baker|October 8 9:10 AM The answer seems simple: probably about five quarts. But, if you drive a small car with a four-cylinder engine, it’s likely closer to four quarts. However, the V-8 engine in your truck could require about seven quarts. My in-laws’ […]

Why not use Racing Oil in my Car If It’s Tougher? John Baker|Nov 29, 2019 8:00 AM When deciding if racing oil is right for their vehicles, gearheads and other enthusiasts sometimes offer this line of reasoning: Racing engines are more severe than my engine Racing engines use racing oil Therefore, I should use racing […]

8 Hot AMSOIL Products for Your Hot Rod Jamie Gibson|Apr 20, 2018 10:52 AM If you’re anything like us, the highly anticipated sights and sounds of hot rods, muscle cars and restomods returning to the open road makes you a bit giddy. It’s a sure sign of road trips, car shows and all things summer. […]

Can Diesel Oil be used in Gas Engines? John Baker|Oct 19, 2019 8:12 AM The simple answer: Yes, you can use diesel oil in a gas engine, provided the diesel oil meets the appropriate specifications and viscosity requirements of your gasoline engine. For example, if your gas engine calls for a motor oil that meets the […]

Automatic Trans Fluid & Manual Fluid Differences John Baker|Apr 09, 2019 11:06 AM Back in 2006, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) offered buyers the choice between an automatic and a manual transmission in 47 percent of new cars. Fast forward to 2018, when only 2 percent of vehicles sold had a manual transmission, according to edmunds.com.  […]

The Pros and Cons of Semi-Synthetic Oils and Synthetic Blends Andy Arendt|Sep 22, 2017 9:20 AM Scott D. Galbreath asks via our Facebook page about the pros and cons of synthetic blend motor oils. Thanks for the question, Scott. Making sense of motor oil can be confusing and frustrating. Choosing among full synthetics, synthetic blends, semi-conventional, conventional, […]

Signature Series – Packaging What You Should Expect Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil is not only the best oil we have ever made, it’s better than any competitive oil we have tested. Advanced engine technology and the normal demands of everyday life generate extreme conditions that can challenge motor oil and engine life. Signature Series […]

SIGNATURE SERIES: THE MEASURE OF PERFORMANCE In the NOACK Volatility Test, Signature Series scored far below the API limit for evaporation and proved it remains where it’s needed most – protecting your engine. Nearly 35 years ago AMSOIL became the first oil manufacturer in the United States to use the NOACK Volatility Test as a […]

Engine Sludge Is Easily Avoidable John Baker & Associates |Jul 24, 2019 4:20 PM Engine sludge. It’s a back gelatinous substance that wreaks havoc in engines. And long before the engine’s demise, engine sludge can foul engine sensors and interfere with performance. Some mechanics call it the “black death.” How does motor oil, which is […]

Why the Big Advancement in the Signature Series Line? John Baker|Oct 04, 2017 8:23 AM Simply put, we reformulated Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil to solve problems. For all the derision heaped upon the internal-combustion engine, it remains our primary mode of propulsion. And, despite the gains of hybrids and electric vehicles, it will remain so for […]

The Right Small-Engine Impressive Results Spring marks the time to store your snowblower and prepare your lawnmower, pressure washer, generator and other equipment for another season. Make sure to change oil before storing equipment. Used oil contains acidic byproducts that can damage the engine if allowed to sit for months. If you neglected to change […]

How Do I Switch from Conventional to Synthetic Oil? John Baker|Mar 14, 2018 9:16 AM To borrow a famous slogan, just do it. There is still some confusion about changing to a different type of oil in vehicles, particularly older models that have accumulated many miles. A small group of ill-informed individuals in garages and […]

How Much “Synthetic” Is In My Oil? Andy Arendt|Aug 16, 2017 11:07 AM Unlike food and drug companies, which must disclose the ingredients in their products, lubricant manufactures aren’t held to the same mandate, which can cause confusion if you’re shopping for synthetic motor oil. (Well, they are in Europe in Australia but not in […]

OE 0W-16: Light and Strong A 0W-16 viscosity motor oil may seem exotic to North American drivers, but as fuel efficiency requirements increase, it may become a common recommendation of manufacturers worldwide. Japanese engineers have long experimented with ultra-thin motor oils, and 0W-16 has been in regular use in Japan since the 90s. The Benefits […]