Tag Archives: ecoboost

Turbocharger vs Supercharger: What’s the Difference? John Baker | Oct 16, 2020 10:06 AM An engine is nothing more than an air pump. The more air it ingests, the more fuel it can burn. And more fuel equals more power. Sometimes an engine just needs a little boost Engineers have a few methods at their disposal […]

I Have No Idea How Many Quarts My Car Needs. Help! John Baker|October 8 9:10 AM The answer seems simple: probably about five quarts. But, if you drive a small car with a four-cylinder engine, it’s likely closer to four quarts. However, the V-8 engine in your truck could require about seven quarts. My in-laws’ […]

Preventing Causes of Engine Oil SLUDGE Brands matter, quality matters and frequent oil changes will not alter this. It’s all based on the additive quality and it does effect the price. Engine sludge occurs when oxidized oil and contaminants build up on engine surfaces. It can restrict the flow of oil to the point of […]

Ford Focus ST – Best Performance per Dollar I was amazed by the number of reviews, tests, discussions, etc I can find on Youtube which are almost all 100% positive over this one car. I felt it would be a great dis-service to not mention it in a blog although this year 2019 is the […]

Perfect Pairing:Signature Series Motor Oil and Ea® Oil Filters Complete engine protection is a team sport. The long-term effectiveness of a quality motor oil is often hindered by poor filtration. At the same time, the superior capabilities of a premium oil filter remain unrealized when combined with a sub-par motor oil. A pairing of top-quality […]

Variable valve timing improves engine efficiency. Long overdue, we see variable valve timing suddenly appearing all over the industry. It was a fellow Corvair Club member who developed the idea and initial patents. Here’s an overview of his story but you can see a video of the car running. The prototype was a 65 Corvair […]