Tag Archives: string trimmer

Your String Trimmer, Chainsaw and Blower Mix Ratio Made Easy Andy Arendt | Jun 04, 2018 2:07 PM Depending on two-stroke equipment age, brand and owner preferences, keeping track of two-stroke oil mix ratios can be complicated. Professional lawn and landscape companies in particular face challenges when it comes to ensuring employees are using the […]

Weed Eater Won’t Start? Try This John Baker|Jun 19, 2019 9:28 AM No matter what you call it – weed eater, weed whacker, string trimmer – chances are at some point it won’t start. Few things are more annoying than destroying your shoulder trying to start the weed eater when there’s work to do. Fortunately, […]

CLEAN, PROTECTED POWER: NEW PRODUCTS EXPAND OPPORTUNITY To better target landscapers, contractors and other professionals who rely on small engines to make a living, AMSOIL Formula 4-Stroke® Synthetic Small Engine Oil (ASE) has been updated with a new name, label and packaging. Its formulation remains unchanged. Its current pricing remains in effect until April 1, […]

Simplifying Two-Stroke Oil Mix Ratios Andy Arendt|Dec 12, 2016 10:11 AM Depending on two-stroke equipment age, brand and owner preferences, keeping track of two-stroke oil mix ratios can be complicated. Professional lawn and landscape companies in particular face challenges when it comes to ensuring employees are using the correct mix ratio. One oil for all […]