Restore Power instantly with Quickshot Fuel Treatment

Quickshot® Restores Peak Performance in Small Engines and Powersports Equipment Premium fuel additive formulated to thoroughly clean and restore peak performance in small engine and powersports equipment fuel systems.

SKU: AQS Categories: ,

Amsoil’s Quickshot quickly restores powersports and small engine lost performance

While the Quickshot stabilizes fuel and fights ethanol problems, let’s talk about it’s main purpose. To decarbonize and clean fuel intake systems. Small engines with fuel issues such as carbon, varnish build-up. sticky valves, erratic idle causing the engine to speed up then slow down (triggering the governor), etc. can all be corrected with Quickshot. Any motorcycle, outboard, chainsaw, snowblower, or anything that runs at a constant speed you will drastically love the effect from Quickshot.

One customer repeated what I have seen which adding it to his mower it seemed to now run 100 to 200 more RPMs now.

Pete Maina, Muskie Expert and Professional Angler says he won’t guide in a customers boat without a bottle of Quickshot in hand. 2-stroke outboards suffer from a lack of fuel maintenance which eventually causes a host of issues. Quickshot makes it easy.

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Another AMSOIL product which you you don’t have to read any further as it’s the seat of the pants performance which says it all. It’s one of our best return traffic products we sell. Comments from customers tell it all. Noticeable improvements to throttle response and top end.

Small Engines and Motorcycles now have relief from degraded fuel and Ethanol Problems

Restores Peak Performance in Small Engines, Powersports Equipment and 2-Cycle engines.

Degraded fuel presents a major maintenance issue in small engines and powersports equipment. It can form varnish, gum and insoluble debris that clog carburetors, fuel injectors and fuel filters. Carbon buildup can form on the tops of pistons that leads to pre-ignition, rough idling and poor throttle response. Fuel-related problems are only expected to intensify in the coming years as the ethanol content in pump gasoline continues to increase.

Package Size Includes
8-oz. Bottle (Treats 6 to 12 gallons of gasoline)
8-oz. Bottles (case of 6)

Quart bottles (Treats 24-48 gallons of gasoline)

Call 800-579-0580 for competitive current price.
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online preferred customer portal if you choose to order online.

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AMSOIL Quickshot (Product Code AQS) is a premium fuel additive formulated to thoroughly clean and restore peak performance in small engine and powersports equipment fuel systems. It also stabilizes fuel between uses and during short-term storage. Its revolutionary technology focuses on three major fuel-related issues plaguing these applications: ethanol, water and dirty pump gas.

Ethanol Issues

Ethanol in fuel has a tendency to absorb water and separate from the gasoline (a process known as phase separation), sinking to the bottom of the gas tank where it quickly degrades and creates gum, varnish and other insoluble debris that can plug fuel-flow passages and negatively affect engine performance. When this ethanol/water mixture is pulled into the engine, it creates a lean-burn situation that increases combustion chamber temperatures and can lead to engine damage. AMSOIL Quickshot is designed to keep water dispersed throughout the fuel tank, moving it out as a normal part of operation and decreasing the chance of ethanol separating from the gasoline.

Quickshot was tested in fuel containing 10 percent ethanol. Controlled plugging of injectors showed a 70 percent flow improvement, while oxidation stability improved 44 percent over untreated fuel.

Disperses Water

Water finds its way into gas tanks through condensation in tanks open to the atmosphere, gas pumps and other environmental conditions, and if left untreated, will cause starting, performance and corrosion problems. By keeping water dispersed in tiny molecules and safely moving it out of the tank through the combustion chamber, Quickshot helps maintain engine performance and protects against damaging corrosion.

Dirty Gasoline

Dirty gasoline causes fuel-system gumming and varnish, as well as piston and combustion chamber deposits. Although all gasoline sold in the U.S. is formulated with a lowest additive concentration (LAC) level of detergent additives, these detergent levels are not enough to prevent deposits from building up on critical fuel system components. Quickshot contains unique chemistry that quickly detaches and carries away deposits and buildups in fuel systems, injectors and carburetors, while also cleaning hard-to-remove deposits on piston tops, spark plugs and other combustion chamber parts.



Quickshot is recommended for use in all two- and four-stroke gasoline-powered engines, including motorcycles, snowmobiles, boats, personal watercraft, ATVs, edgers, tillers, mowers, snowblowers, chainsaws, generators and farm and construction equipment. However, AMSOIL P.i. Performance Improver is the superior choice for passenger vehicle applications.


Quickshot is designed for an initial clean-up dose of 8 oz. per 6 gallons of gasoline, followed by 8 oz. per 12 gallons thereafter.

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I have sold quite a bit of this product, lots of return sales including one friend and local customer asking “What the hell is this stuff?” impressed with the added mileage and throttle response in his Harley. One local customer noticed an additional 20 miles in a tank of gas – proving the degradation of your fuel system with out proper fuel maintenance.

The side of the bottle has the mix rate clearly with well marked graduations so it’s easy to use in all sizes of gasoline containers.

Quickshot Customer Reviews

Your small engine friend.

By  Andre,  a  Verified Buyer  from  New Brunswick, Canada   on  March 07, 2025
There is a lot of product on the market but they don’t work all the same. By choosing Amsoil Quick Shot into all of your small engine, 2 and 4 cycles, you will see and hear the difference of your engine, even more if your motor have carbone inside. From snowmobile to snowblower passing by your chainsaw and brushcutter, Quick Shot will clean or maintain your motor performing at is maximum power. Thanks to Amsoil.

Want a clean engine , you’ll have a clean engine .

By  ALEX,  a  Verified Buyer  on  February 07, 2025
Great fuel cleaner , use it for all my different machines and does it’s job.

great for the small engines

By  ROBERT,  a  Verified Buyer  from  Port Moody B.C.  on  December 15, 2024
added to my gen set and seems to idle much smoother now.

Lawn equipment fuel system

By  KEITH,  a  Verified Buyer  from  Wichita, Kansas  on  June 04, 2024
I purchased to help with carburetor cleaning. Lawn movers are easier to start after using for 1 month. Decided to use with Chain saws, Yard blowers. Mixed gas and regular gas. Started to purchase ethanol free fuel and still will use fuel Treatment.

When you need a cleanup

By  ACEY,  a  Verified Buyer  from  Texas  on  June 04, 2024
my 2005 chevy equinox sat for about four months during the rebuild. it had near a full tank of fuel. naturally there was some separation that occurred. i used this quick shot on my first burn and also added the upper cylinder lube. my tank emptied to near complete so i used one more treatment and about 5 gallons and the levels returned to normal. my next fill up let me add the full tank. i will use this once a month for good measure.

Great product

By Nel,  a  Verified Buyer from  Kansas on  April 12, 2019
I have been using this for several years now. My neighbor was having trouble starting and keeping his motorbike running after it had set for a few months. We put Quickshot in the tank and after a short time he got it running and within 5 min it smoothed out. I put it in every 5 gal can of gas in get for my lawn work. Never fails me. My equipment starts on first try and runs smoothly.

Exceptional Product

By Mike H., a  Verified Buyer Florida on  on  April 03, 2019
Product works as described and has saved me from having to siphon out old fuel from my tanks.
Bottom Line
Yes, I would recommend this to a friend.

Keeps the fuel system clean

By  Texas Son, a  Verified Buyer  from  Valentine, TX  on  March 07, 2019
I try to add a container to my fuel system between 3 and 4 fill ups. I let the fuel tank get to about 1/2 full then I add 5 gallons so after the 3rd or 4th fill I add the Quickshot. I love this stuff, it helps keep my Ranger running smooth

I use it, and sell it to my customers.

By  Heath,  a  Verified Buyer  from  New Philadelphia, Ohio  on  March 02, 2019
I use the product in my Harley, and my Indian motorcycles. I also keep a stock of it on hand for my customers (marine and lawn care equipment) who face the perils of ethanol useage in modern day fuels. It has yet to let me down, as I use it at the end of season tank of fuel in both my bikes. I’m assured both will start at the beginning of the next riding season. Great product!
Great stuff
By  Ken,  a  Verified Buyer  from  North Carolina  on  January 13, 2019
I recommend using in all two stroke engines for easy startups and running performance.
Fantastic product!
By  Crazyman,  a  Verified Buyer from  Edgewood, NM on  October 22, 2018
I started running this product in my two motorcycles, and was amazed at the difference in performance, especially in my Harley. I also noticed an increase in gas mileage. On my recommendation, my brothers are now running this in their bikes and they bath agree that their bikes have never run as well. I’m totally sold!

Nothing Better

By  damguy,  a  Verified Buyer  from  Ohio on  June 18, 2018
Best product on the market hands down for ethanol related issues. Starts to work fast, the phase separated fuel has the water out rapidly
I buy this all the time
By  Dorian,  a  Verified Buyer  from  TX on  June 15, 2018
I use Quick when I fuel my 2004 Springer. smooth ride after sitting in the garage for a while. works great . a little pricey
I bought me a supply of this product
By  Doug with LILRip,  a Verified Buyer  from  Marion, PA  on  May 28, 2018
I had an issue with our 2016 Jeep Wrangler with the MIL light coming on and it wasn’t the obvious cause like a loose gas cap so I called the dealer and set up an appointment and in the meantime, I put a bottle of Amsoil Quickshot in the gas and after several miles the light went OFF and hasn’t came on since! Thanks, Amsoil.


Archived article:

E15 fuel has been approved for sale. Be Prepared!

Its impact will be felt differently by motorists and powersports enthusiasts.

As I write this month’s Tech Talk, the U.S. nationwide average price for a gallon of gasoline is $3.85. On May 8, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) released a revised forecast for gas prices during the summer driving season (April through September) that predicts the average price will drop to $3.79. Thats good news for all of us, whether filling up for the daily commute or planning a longer road trip. Regardless of what vehicle you drive, it’s likely that maximizing fuel economy and extending engine life are high priorities. In fact, a 2011 survey by the Consumer Reports National Research Center found the “age of the average car driven by respondents has increased to eight years, with 23 percent of motorists surveyed driving cars from the 1990s. And for those planning on purchasing a new or newer model, 62 percent expected their next vehicles to have better fuel economy than their previous models.

Motorists are demanding more from newer vehicles and also want their current vehicles to last longer, but new government mandates might make achieving higher efficiencies more difficult.

In April 2012, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved the sale of E15 (15 percent ethanol and 85 percent gasoline) for cars and trucks manufactured in 2001 or later. This extended by six years a 2010 waiver permitting the use of motor gasoline blends containing up to 15 percent ethanol in 2007 and newer vehicles. All other gas-powered engines, such as those on boats, snowmobiles, lawn mowers, motorcycles and off-road vehicles, are prohibited from using E15. This means that the current E10 (10 percent ethanol/90 percent gasoline) blended fuel, sold at more than 90 percent of service stations nationwide, remains the de facto choice for owners of model year 2000 and older vehicles and other gas-powered engines. The exception to this being flex-fuel vehicles compatible with E85 (85 percent ethanol/ 15 percent gasoline).

Automakers have resisted the new E15 ruling, arguing that their vehicles new and old aren’t designed to accommodate gasoline containing 15 percent ethanol. Service station owners have concerns about potential liability issues arising from consumers using the wrong ethanol blend and are worried about the costs of retrofitting gas pumps or installing new ones to make E15 available.

While the future of E15 is uncertain, ethanol-blended fuels are here to stay. Ethanol has been used for decades as a gasoline additive because it burns cleaner than gasoline. The downside to ethanol is its fuel economy and performance. Ethanol produces less energy than gasoline. According to the EIA, “A gallon of ethanol has only two-thirds the energy of a gallon of conventional gasoline, and the number of miles traveled by a given vehicle per gallon of fuel is directly proportional to the energy contained in the fuel.” In addition, studies have shown fuel systems containing plastic or rubber components can be damaged by ethanol exposure. There are also problems at the molecular level. Ethanol and gasoline do not form chemical bonds and ethanol is highly attracted to water. Even small amounts of water entering the fuel supply can break the weak ethanol-to-water bond and separate (phase separation). This suspension falls to the bottom of the fuel tank and can increase engine temperatures and cause engine damage. Less energy per gallon and phase separation are just two of the problems inherent with ethanol-blended gasoline. Smaller engines face additional maintenance and performance issues.

Because the widely available E10 can start degrading in just 30 days, the shorter shelf life of ethanol-blended gasoline vs. pure gasoline is another potential problem for small-engine operation. With equipment such as motorcycles, ATVs, boats and other less frequently used tools like chainsaws and leaf blowers, fuel may sit in the tank for a month or much longer between starts. During this time gasoline absorbs water, which leads to fuel breakdown. As gasoline degrades, gums and varnish can clog carburetors, fuel injectors and fuel filters. The result is decreased starting performance and drivability issues. Most drivers fuel their passenger vehicles more frequently than every 30 days, so gasoline breakdown issues are less common in autos and trucks. Additionally, many newer vehicles have computer sensors that make adjustments for high ethanol content, but the majority of small engines lack such technology. Fortunately for powersports enthusiasts, there are solutions to this long-term problem.

Quickshot® is designed to keep water dispersed and helps combat problems associated with ethanol-blended fuel. It also cleans deposit build-up in fuel systems and combustion chamber components. This means better performance and reduced impact from ethanol-blended fuels. We all value our free time; engines need to start on command when we get a sliver of time to get out and go.

Amsoil’s PowerSports Manager talks about Quick Shot

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