Great information on potential upgrades to the Dealer Program was shared at the DJ Convention.

Exciting potential upgrades are being tested now.


Brice MaloneIt was great to see many of you at the DJ Convention.  We had a great time and I really enjoyed spending the time with our Dealers, sharing insights and having great conversation

During the convention, we shared a lot of information on some very exciting concepts and program and policy changes we are working on. Now I want to share some of that with all of you.

Testing has become a big part of how we determine if a promotion or program will be effective. All of the P.C. promotions we run were tested with small groups before they were placed into service. We are working on some additional Dealer and customer tests now. These tests give us insight as to how they will perform, and it’s important that they are conducted using small groups. They tell us what percentage of customers will use a promotion, how their purchase habits are affected, how frequently they place orders and if the changes enable us to retain customers for longer periods of time. In the coming weeks, we will be conducting some tests to see if promotions are as effective when provided for Dealers to present to prospects in the field. This is just the start. Some of you will be part of these tests and some will not. Don’t be alarmed if you aren’t one of the participants. The outcome of these tests will provide greater opportunity for all Dealers.

AMSOIL also participated in focus groups designed to learn more about what other direct-selling companies are doing to engage and excite their base, and we learned a lot. We need to provide new Dealers with a better introduction to AMSOIL. We need to make a bigger impact with our kit and its contents. We gave DJs a look at a new Dealer Kit that we are finalizing and we are excited about the added value a new Dealer will receive.

We also learned that many direct selling companies offer “start-up” bonuses to get new Dealers up and running quickly. We are currently testing a new bonus program that some of our Dealers are helping to execute. This new Jump-Start Bonus Program is being tested with newly signed Dealers and it allows them to earn extra in bonuses for registering new buying customers over their first six months as Dealers. It is an aggressive payout plan, but it reinforces the importance of building your network and being a customer generator. It is all being tested, and it will likely be modified, but we are taking the steps necessary to make the AMSOIL Dealer opportunity the best it has ever been.

We have also heard from our home warehousing Dealers about how the P.C. Program promotions and free freight for retailers have affected their personal purchases and the volume discounts they normally receive for placing larger orders. We are evaluating ways in which we can help alleviate the burden some have faced.

Many opportunities will be provided to Dealers in the coming months to build your networks and grow your businesses. In the end, it will be our Dealers who determine if a program will be successful. I ask that you help champion these changes. We are working at a feverish pace to make sure our Dealers and our customers are provided the best programs and products available in the market today. Embrace the opportunity and challenge your teams to build their networks.

Lastly, one tip I would offer is embrace your catalog customers. I like to think of our catalog customers as a first date; these are people who are willing to have a cup of coffee with you, but they’re not going to buy dinner on date number one. These are your best prospects, however, and they just need a reason to become a committed AMSOIL customer. Reach out to current and past catalog customers – they have purchased AMSOIL products before and experienced their benefits. Stay in touch, point out the new P.C. Program and sell them on the benefits of being an AMSOIL customer.



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