Step Up from OEM – Synthetic 75W-90 Marine Gear Lube

AMSOIL Marine Lower Gear Lube Oil

Universal Synthetic Marine Gear Lower Unit Oil Another product that goes beyond what you thought was "Good enough". Your boat deserves it!

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A Marine lower Gear Unit Oil has a tough task

The AMSOIL 75W-90 improvements gets attention of our customers!

As you expect AMSOIL’s Marine gear lube offers top tier wear protection, even when contaminated with up to 15 percent water. Extreme-pressure formulation controls damage from shock-loading caused by propeller cavitation. Excellent for fast-accelerating, high-horsepower boats. Protects against rust and corrosion. Keeps seals soft to minimize water leakage. Compatible with other synthetic and conventional oils. Use in fresh and saltwater applications that require 75W-90 or 80W-90 gear lube and any of the specifications listed below,

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Marine Lower Unit Lubricant Properties

AMSOIL Synthetic Marine Gear Lube is an exclusive AMSOIL formulation of synthetic base oils and high-performance additives that address the specific concerns of marine applications. It is fortified with extreme pressure (EP) additives for superior protection of fast-accelerating, high-torque/horsepower engines. It protects against shock loading from cavitation of heavily loaded engines.

AMSOIL Marine Lower Gear Lube Oil

Printable Product Data Sheet for Marine Lower Unit Gear Lube

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AMSOIL Synthetic Marine Gear Lube is water resistant. It maintains extreme-pressure protection even when contaminated with as much as 10% water. It promotes longer seal life to help prevent water contamination. AMSOIL Synthetic Marine Gear Lube is designed to prevent rust and is compatible with aluminum, copper and brass alloys.

AMSOIL Synthetic Marine Gear Lube is recommended for fresh and salt water applications requiring either 75W-90 or 80W-90 viscosity grade and meeting either API GL-4 or GL-5 performance standards. perfect for units made by Mercury/ Mariner,* Johnson/Evinrude,* Bombardier,* Honda,* Yamaha,* Suzuki,* Force/US Marine,* Nissan,* Tohatsu* and Harbormaster;* sterndrives made by Mercruiser-Bravo,* OMC/Bombardier, Volvo-Penta,* Yanmar,* Konrad* and Marine Drive Systems;* V-drives made by Casale & Menkins;* bow thrusters made by Harbormaster Marine;* and transmissions made by ZF Marine Transmission.*

  • API GL-4, GL-5

AMSOIL Synthetic Marine Gear Lube provides:

  • Excellent gear and bearing protection even when contaminated with 10% water
  • Reduced friction and wear
  • Rust and corrosion protection
  • Long seal life
  • Superior foam prevention

Marine gear oils operate in environments subject to water contamination. The chart demonstrates the ability of AMSOIL Synthetic Marine Gear Lube to maintain designed qualities such as extreme-pressure/anti-wear performance and resistance to foaming, even when subjected to 10 percent water contamination.

The Falex Procedure is a measurement of a gear lube’s extreme-pressure and anti-wear properties. A high value in the Falex Extreme-Pressure Test relates to extra extreme-pressure protection. AMSOIL Synthetic Marine Gear Lube provides extreme-pressure protection and is highly resistant to the effects of water contamination.

The presence of foam in a lubricant disrupts oil film and promotes wear. Water contamination can increase the likelihood of foaming. Industry standard testing demonstrates zero foam in both new and water-contaminated AMSOIL Synthetic Marine Gear Lube.

AMSOIL Synthetic Marine Gear Lube is compatible with other commercially available conventional and synthetic marine gear lubes.

Follow manufacturers’ recommended service intervals.

It is generally a good idea to change gear lube at the end of a season prior to storage.


AMSOIL Universal Synthetic Marine gear Lube is compatible with other commercially available conventional and synthetic marine gear lubes.

Follow manufacturers recommended service intervals.

It is generally a good idea to change gear lube at the end of the season prior to storage.

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AMSOIL Marine Lube Customer Reviews

No other can compare

By  MICHAEL, a Verified Buyer  from  Pensacola Fl on January 03, 2025
Have been using this product for years and I’m very happy with this gear lube. It says what it supposed to do easy shifting and no ware on the parts even if water does penetrate the system. when I drain the lower unit there is no metal filings on the drain plug that tells me it is doing its job.

Great Lube

By  DALE,  a  Verified Buyer  from  Picton, Ontario   on  November 29, 2024
Use this in my Yamaha F115, about 100 hours per season. When replacing the marine gear lube in the fall, it comes out yellow as I had just put it in!



By  STEVEN,  a  Verified Buyer  from  Quebec  on  November 01, 2024
The best that any out drive and lower drive any marine engine could get, would be good to have 1 liter bottles instead of 1 quart( as often you need 2 litres, and i have to buy 3 instead of 2 to top off)


My go to marine gear lube!

By  CRAIG,  a  Verified Buyer  on  October 17, 2024
Customer for life!

Excellent Volvo Penta oil

By  Trouper,  a  Verified Buyer  from  Syracuse, NY  on  November 18, 2023

This last summer was the first year with 100% Amsoil in the lower unit, I had been putting the last .2 qt in from a bottle of Lucas that met the required spec. This was also the first year I had zero shifting issues and it ran flawlessly all while sitting in wet slip for 6 months


By  AARON,  a  Verified Buyer  from  Bc Canada  on  July 01, 2023
Been using this oil for years in my outboard and it performs excellent, also got rid of a clunk in had when going to reverse/forward. Highly recommended this for any marine applications