API SN-Plus ((Resourse Conserving);SN, SM; ISLAC GF-5; ACEA C5; A1/B1; BMW LL-17FE+; MB 229.71; Ford WSS-M2C947-B1; Opel/Vaxhaul OV04157; Fiat 9.55535-GSX; Chrysler MS-12145; Volvo VCC RBS0-2AE
Premium synthetic formulation designed for the unique demands of European engines. Protects advanced emissions systems. Excellent for both gasoline and diesel engines. Fights sludge for superior engine cleanliness. Outstanding all-season performance. Designed for the extended drain intervals established by European car manufacturers. Excellent for turbochargers.
0W-20 (AFE): API SN-PLUS (Resource Conserving); SN, SM…; ILSAC GF-5; ACEA C5; A1/B1; BMW LL-17FE+; MB 229.71; Ford WSS-M2C947-B1; Opel/Vauxhall OV0401547;
Fiat 9.55535-GSX; Chrysler MS-12145; Volvo VCC RBS0-2AE
The excellent oxidation stability, heat resistance and detergency properties of AMSOIL
European Motor Oil help keep engines clean. It is specifically designed to prevent
sludge and varnish deposits, reduce oil consumption, extend engine life and provide
maximum performance.