Buy AMSOIL At Cost

Amsoil savings

Wholesale and Commercial Direct Factory Buying Options

Four Convenient Ways to Buy depending on your situation

AMSOIL Preferred Customer – You the Consumer needing the best price

Can’t find AMSOIL locally or the local guy is a jerk?  No problem. You can buy direct! From the corporate warehouses. No headaches and the perks you heard about or expect!

Try our Preferred Customer buying option. This is for the homeowner who wants to use AMSOIL in their own equipment but also wants to avoid full retail. Best option to take care of your family fleet.

Revamped for 2025 so you SAVE even more!




AMSOIL DealershipEnjoy AMSOIL at wholesale and enjoy extra income setting up and servicing local accounts or just sell to the public. There are dozens of ways to sell AMSOIL products. Just ask us. We are one of the top dealers in the country and certainly one of the most responsive to our customers and dealers. Find out more about being an AMSOIL Dealer and request our latest newsletter.

Express AMSOIL Dealer Info Site! New and Updated for 2025

AMSOIL products are sold through independent Dealers – people willing to invest time and effort into building a successful business. Dealers resell AMSOIL products and earn profits and commissions. Own your own business, be your own boss and earn extra income.


Retail Account Program

Shelving provided to retailers who stock AMSOIL ProductsSell AMSOIL Products in your Retail Store. Buy below wholesale.  Retail Accounts are retail outlets such as auto parts stores, motorcycle dealerships and quick lubes that stock AMSOIL products to sell to their customers or install as part of a service. We have many features to entice sales. Most customers will only buy product from retail establishments.

AMSOIL earns your location a new dedicated customer base.

Cal us for the official pricing catalog and we’ll also get your account set up instantly. Call 1-800-579-0580 today.


Commercial Account Program

AMSIL has options for your fleetOr if you are a business looking to use AMSOIL products within your fleet and equipment call us to set up a Commercial Account. Buy below wholesale at cost. Earn more savings as your purchases add up through the year. We’ll send along a packet with the best pricing and discounted or free shipping rates as soon as you are approved. Net 30 credit available too.

Call us and ask for the G290 full description catalog

Call 800-579-0580 to get your business set up to buy AMSOIL at cost.