Breakthrough Tech – Synthetic Firearm Lubricant and Protectant

100% Synthetic Firearm Lubricant and Protectant

The moving parts on firearms (actions, bolts, hinges) must be cleaned and lubricated to ensure top performance and long life. AMSOIL Synthetic Firearm Lubricant presents premium upgrades over all-in-one products, which sacrifice performance in at least one area in the name of convenience.

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Legendary Performance – AMSOIL Firearm Lubricant and Cleaner

The moving parts on firearms (actions, bolts, hinges) must be cleaned and lubricated to ensure top performance and long life. AMSOIL Synthetic Firearm Lubricant presents premium upgrades over all-in-one products, which sacrifice performance in at least one area in the name of convenience.

For the longest time making a lubricant with any degree of lasting rust and corrosion protection was simply not possible. Problem solved! Also a gun lube which actually would flow in freezing weather.   If you want the latest and the best to keep all your personal safety devices clean, ready and in check, AMSOIL is the only name you need to know.

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Available in 4 ounce  drip bottle and 5 ounce spray can.

100% Synthetic Firearm Lubricant and Protectant

Product Data Sheet for both the Lubricant and Cleaner

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Now available in both a dripper bottle and an aerosol can, AMSOIL 100% Synthetic Firearm Lubricant and Protectant effectively lubricates and protects guns, helping extend life and prevent blockage, jams and wear.

  • Outstanding protection and performance in both hot and cold climates
  • Specifically formulated for firearms, offering superior performance over multi-purpose products
  • Safe to use on all metals, woods, composites, rubbers and other materials commonly found in firearms

Dependable Firearm Performance

clean rifles are ready when you need themCity dwellers, Hunters and recreational shooters need their guns to perform when called upon, sometimes after an extended period of storage, after sitting for hours in a wet duck blind or while on a dangerous subway with who knows what sitting next to you. Many of us have few opportunities to clean our gun daily. Since nothing will ruin a hunting trip or day at the range quicker than a malfunctioning firearm, AMSOIL firearm products were tested in a variety of firearms typically found at the range and in the field. The information gathered, along with extensive testing in the AMSOIL chemical lab, resulted in products dialed in for outstanding firearm protection in the most demanding conditions. As seen in the images, AMSOIL firearm products guard against damaging corrosion, helping keep firearms working properly for generations.



  • Rifles
  • Handguns
  • Shotguns

Safe to use on all metals, woods, composites and rubbers found in firearms.

rifle bolt metal test coupon

rifle action restored with new oil

AMSOIL Synthetic Firearm Lubricant 

  • Effectively lubricates and protects firearms, helping extend life and prevent blockage, jams and wear
  • Outstanding protection and performance in both hot and cold climates
  • Specifically formulated for firearms, offering superior performance


  • Ensure firearm is unloaded.
  • Shake well prior to use.
  • Clean firearm prior to lubricant application per manufacturer’s recommendations.
  • Apply evenly to all metal parts such as barrels, bolts, firing pins, springs and trigger mechanisms.
  • Apply a thin layer to exterior surfaces of firearm.


AMSOIL Synthetic Firearm Lubricant is available in 4-ounce bottles where ever you find quality AMSOIL products. Call 800-579-0580.

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You don’t have to take our word for it

Be sure to check out the MANY independent YouTube videos showing all aspects of the gun cleaner. One video showed how it worked it way into the metal (various types) and seemed to provide protection after many long high temperature strains.



Firearm line of product customer reviews


Great gun cleaner

By  MIKE,  a  Verified Buyer  from  Wyoming  on  November 21, 2024
Love this stuff I use it to clean and lubricate my guns. I have used it on a couple of new AR’s and the lubrication properties are amazing. I will use nothing else.

Awesome lube

By  BRETT,  a  Verified Buyer  from  Corpus Christi Texas  on  October 13, 2024
I shoot PRS, competitions. This lube works real well on the actions as well as the triggers. Run it through the barrel, wipe it down and put it away. Simple as that.

One of the best I have used

By  PETER,  a  Verified Buyer  from  Davenport, FL  on  February 13, 2024
Makes my guns as slick as ice! I have a PX4! Beretta’s love to run wet. I sprayed a light coat on all the metal and went to the range. Shot 500 rounds and not one misfeed, even with the cheap range ammo. Definitely keeping this on my shelf and in my range bag!!

Must Have

By  TODD,  a  Verified Buyer  from  Merrill WI  on  January 23, 2024
This is by far the best firearm lubricant I have ever used. I wish I wouldn’t have wasted money for years using other products on the market. Definitely two 👍🏼👍🏼

I keep buying this Lubricant over and over again

By  JAMES,  a  Verified Buyer  from  New Brunswick Canada  on  December 10, 2023
Makes my bolts slide smoothly and no gummieness, wait is that a word? Doesn’t matter. I keep buying this because my friends “borrow” this stuff to try and I never get it back!!! My ONLY firearm lubricant